Self Tapping Screws, including functional scalability (Ductility); scored Test (Drive Tese); scored torque (Drive Torque) and IAS Test (Drive Speed) and so on.
As the Description: Scalability (Ductility): Self Tapping Screws hardened by carburizing treatment → annealing, to avoid due to improper heat treatment led to strong increases caused by breaking the brittle is usually required to test the ductility (toughness) status, the test is calculated as Self Tapping Screws into a hardened sample, it was at an angle and the angle of the test blocks, or other appropriate equipment, test hole in accordance with ASME B18.6.4
Block should be higher than the provisions of the nominal Self Tapping Screws diameter 0.020 C 0.040 inch (0.5 C 1.0 mm). Subjected to axial pressure on the top of the screw head, the pressure should continue until the first Self Tapping Screws shaft under the bearing surface and the point of rendering a permanent bend.
This test can be repeated using the enamel head against until a permanent bend. If the head is separated required to reject the norms of the scalability test point FIP 1000 SAE J78 SAE J81 ASME B18.6.4 SAE J1237 JIS B1055 10O 5O 7O 10O 10O 10O ~ 15O